Parent's Portal

Parent's Portal

Family Engagement and Partnership Communication Plan

Please contact me in person, by phone, or email anytime you have a question or concern about your child or our child care program. 

Drop off and pick up times are very busy times for us. If you would like to share with us important information about your child, please fill free to do so. If you would like to have a longer conversation, please schedule a time with us so that we can focus on your concerns.

Twice yearly, I will schedule a regular time to meet with you to discuss your child in a more formal way through a family/provider conference.  In these conferences we will communicate with each other about goals, strengths and challenges for your child, and how I can support you in your parenting as you support me in my caregiving.

At the time of registration and each year thereafter we will ask about your child’s development, behavioral, health, linguistic, cultural, social and other relevant information to accommodate each child’s individual characteristics, strengths and needs.

It is important for us to provide the best program for your child. We will provide a developmental screening for each child from birth through age four.


Child Care Registration Form

Child Care Parent/Guardian Permission

Certificate of Immunization Status


Childcare Agreement Form